Saturday, March 04, 2006

Storycast: the First Podcast for Storytelling

Elizabeth Rose has laid claim to the first podcast for storytelling, that is, for storytelling as we know it: oral storytelling, as part of the storytelling revival.

Her podcast, which started in July 2005, has her telling classics like "No News" and "Barney McCabe." These are recordings of performances, not studio recordings, so she's playing to a live audience.

You don't need an iPod to hear her recordings. You can just click on the various entries to get the mp3 file and your computer will play it directly.

There is a link for a podcast feed, but since I don't listen to podcasts that way, I don't have the faintest idea what you'd do with it.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Well, Elizabeth Rose might be the first storytelling revival storyteller, but Lance Anderson is the first storyteller to tell his stories via podcasting. He started early in 2005.

Lance is a spoken word performer from Los Angeles. He's not a Festival teller, but he tells stories to adults.